Issues - Volume4 - 2006 - Τεύχος 1 - The Effect of a Goal Setting Program for the Improvement of Performance of Children with Mild Mental Retardation during Physical Education Classes


The Effect of a Goal Setting Program for the Improvement of Performance

of Children with Mild Mental Retardation during Physical Education Classes

Maria Kontou & Adamantia Karagiorgou Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, University of Thessaly, Trikala, Hellas



The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a goal-setting program, organized, during the physical education classes, which aimed to the improvement of physical performance of children with mild mental retardation (MR).The sample was 10 children (M=9.1yrs,SD=1.05),divided intο two equal groups (experimental and control),with mild mental retardation (MR) attending Special Municipal School in Trikala.The experimental task was shooting in a goal post. After a six weeks intervention program with the application of personal goals, the performance of the experimental group was significantly improved (p<.05),while in the experimental group there were no improvement. The children of experimental group improved their performance and accomplished their goals. Concerning the results, this type of intervention can constitute a motive for the use of different methods to improve motor performance and increase the participation of children with special needs in physical education classes.


Key words: physical education, special education, exercise, children with special needs

GreekEnglish (United Kingdom)