Τεύχη - Τόμος 6 - 2008 - Τεύχος 3

Shoulder and Hip Muscles Maximal Strength in Female Gymnasts in Pre-Competitive and Competitive Levels


Ioanna Douka & Theophanis Siatras

Laboratory of Exercise Physiology–Ergometry, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences,

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hellas


The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the maximal isometric strength (MIS) of shoulder and hip flexor and extensor muscles in young female pre-competitive and competitive level gymnasts. The par- ticipants were 24 female gymnasts [12 pre-competitive (G1) and 12 competitive levels (G2)] and 24 female aged-matched non-athletes. The subjects were tested in their training area, with a protocol adapted to gymnastics positions, using a portable dynamometer (NMMT). The results showed that gymnasts in G1 group presented lower absolute MIS values in shoulder (p≤.005) and hip (p≤.025) flexor and extensor muscles, than gymnasts in G2 group. Furthermore, gymnasts had higher MIS values than non-athletes, in shoulder extensors (p≤.005), hip flexors (p≤.025) and hip extensors (p≤.005). Older non-athletes were found to have signifi- cantly higher values in hip flexor (p≤.0005) and extensor muscles (p≤.005), than younger non-athletes. No statistical differences were found between G1 and G2 group in MIS relative values in all muscle groups, excepting shoulder extensors (p≤.025). Concerning MIS relative values for the muscles examined, athletes presented higher values than non-athletes (p≤.0005), excepting shoulder flexors (p>.025). Furthermore, there were no statistical differences between younger and older non-athletes in MIS relative values for all muscle groups. Our results suggest that gymnastics specific training in young athletes may contribute to the different development of shoulder and hip muscles maximal strength.


Key words: strength measurements, isometric, upper and lower limbs


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