Abstract Submission Guidelines

Use Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, size 12 and single space. Do not leave a space when starting a new paragraph.

The title should be brief (about 15 words), written in capital letters.

The names of author(s) should be written in prosaic, bold letters as follows: Surname, initial of the first name, full stop (.), comma (,) etc.

In prosaic bold letters.

Abstracts should be written in the language in which the abstract will be presented.

Abstracts should be structured as follows: Title, Introduction – Methodology, Results, Conclusions, Bibliography. Tables and graphs should be incorporated in the text, in any position chosen by the author.

Abstracts should be written in single space and should not exceed 250 words.

The deadline of abstract submission is 15 January 2005.

All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the Congress.


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