


Assistant Professor

Football Coaching

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Research Expertise
Football Coaching
Brief Portrait
Dr. Konstantinos Famissis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science of the University of Thessaly, specialized in soccer training. During his professional career, he has worked as a freelance advisor to FIFA (2002-2005) and as a technical advisor to the World Cup Organization Committee. Furthermore, at a regional level, he has coached teams of the Greek Football Championship (Category B). Dr. Famissis holds an undergraduate degree in Physical Education and Sport Science as well as a postgraduate degree and a PhD in Teaching and Education. He is also currently pursuing undergraduate studies in Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In terms of academic research, Dr. Famissis focuses on methods of modern coaching and sports planning. He has published 15 Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals Indexed in Bibliographical Databases (e.g. SPORTDISCUS) end 19 Articles in Journals not Indexed in Bibliographical Databases, has written many popular science articles, and he has also conducted a great number of presentations in seminars and conferences. In addition, in collaboration with co-authors, he has written 6 books (in English and Greek) regarding children, amateur and professional football. As an academic teacher, he has formed links with 10 non-Greek academic communities and university lecturers. He organized the 1st and the 2nd International Scientific Football Conferences as well as a range of sport-related activities, such as lectures and football tournaments. Today, he continues to provide his services both to public and private organizations. His basic aim is the scientific guidance and support of coaching programmes for the development of football players and football teams.
Selected Publications
1 Kouthouris, C. Kontogianni, E., Famisis, K., & Papadopoulos, P. Perceived constraints on informal   recreational sports participation. The case of school teachers in midland Greece. World Leisure Journal, 51,1, 2009.
2 K. Famisis, V. Voutselas, Flouris A., Metsios G., Stavropoulos A., The specialized application of acceleration speed in football (Euro 2004). Journal of Human Movement Studies, 2004.
3 Κοnstas Famissis, Julian Stanculescu, Nico Stanculescu, Victor Stanculescu. A new taxonomy of evaluating, diagnosing and plan – programming for future 3 world cups activity. Euro – 2004 (European Football Championship). Stiinta Srortului, Anul XIV, Nr. 41/ 2004.

V. Voutselas, Z. Papanikolaou, D. Soulas and K. Famisis, Years of training and hamstring –quadriceps ratio   of soccer players. Psychological Reports, 101, 899 – 906. 2007.

5 Flouris AD, Metsios GS,   Famisis K. Geladas N, Koutedakis Y. Prediction of VO2 max from a new field test based on portable indirect. JK   Sci Med Sport. Jun 26. 2009.



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