Dr Andreas FLOURIS
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Position Associate Professor Subject Football Coaching Building: E Office: 2 |
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Phone: +30 24310 47072 Fax: +30 24310 47042 Personal Webpage:www.famelab.gr - |
Research Expertise Environmental Physiology |
Brief Portrait
Dr Andreas Flouris is an Associate Professor at the University of Thessaly Department of Exercise Science in Greece and an Adjunct Professor in Environmental Medicine with the School of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is the Founder and Director of FAME Lab [(F)unctional (A)rchitecture of (M)ammals in their (E)nvironment], a research unit of 18 full-time researchers investigating the health and performance effects of environmental factors with a particular focus on the effects of heat. Dr Flouris imagines a world in which the vast majority of people understand how the environment impacts their life and plan their goals and activities in harmonious accordance with the long-term well-being of humanity. His goal is to get closer to that, to stand as a beacon that points towards that, and to offer the tools he can and inspire others to help him build tools to get to that world. He strives to help society understand and adapt to the impacts of environmental factors on human beings. Understanding and addressing the drivers of poor outcomes in health, productivity, and performance will, undoubtedly, accelerate improvements in quality of life for all people – sustainably and justly. Dr Flouris is a Coordinator or Partner in several funded projects in the EU and North America (>18M euro in the past 9 years) and he has published widely on the effects of different environmental factors on human health and performance. He is a Section Editor for the scientific journal Temperature and an Associate Editor for the scientific journal BMC Pulmonary Medicine. Also, he is an Expert Consultant providing input for guidelines and policy pertaining to the health effects of environmental factors for different international organizations (World Health Organisation, United Nations, European Commission, NASA, and others). For more than a decade, Dr Flouris has been evaluating funding proposals for different international organizations in Europe and North America including the European Commission, NASA, and the European Space Agency. |
Selected Publications
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Flouris A.D., Dinas P.C., Ioannou L.G., Nybo L., Havenith G., Kenny G.P., Kjellstrom T. (In Press). Workers’ health and productivity under occupational heat strain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Planetary Health.
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Dinas P.D., Lahart I.M., Timmons J.A., Svensson P.A., Koutedakis Y., Flouris A.D., Metsios G.S. (2017). Effects of physical activity on the link between PGC-1a and FNDC5 in muscle, circulating Ιrisin and UCP1 of white adipocytes in humans: A systematic review. F1000Research; 6: 286.
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Flouris A.D., Dinas P.C., Valente A., Balbinotti Andrade C.M., Honda Kawashita N., Sakellariou P. (2017). Exercise-induced effects on UCP1 expression in classical brown adipose tissue: a systematic review. Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation; 31(2): -. doi:10.1515/hmbci-2016-0048.
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Junge N., Jørgensen R., Flouris A.D., Nybo L. (2016). Prolonged self-paced exercise in the heat – Environmental factors affecting performance. Temperature; 3(4):539-548.
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Racinais S., Alonso J.M., Coutts A.J., Flouris A.D., Girard O., González-Alonso J., Hausswirth C., Jay O., Lee J., Mitchell N., Nassis G.P., Nybo L., Pluim B., Roelands B., Sawka M.N., Wingo J., Périard J.D. (2015). Consensus recommendations on training and competing in the heat. Sports Medicine; 45(7): 925-38.