


Associate Professor

Learning skills in rhythmic and general gymnastics

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Research Expertise
Μοtor- rhythmic skills with music. Exersice and recreation
Brief Portrait
She is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Uni¬versity of Thessaly, Trikala, Greece. She obtained her BSc in Sport Science (1988) and her PhD (1995) from the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece and her MSc in Motor Learning & Control (1991) from the University of Illinois at Chicago, U.S.A. She remained member of the Greek Rhythmic Gymnastics National coaching team. Since 1991 she is teaching in undergraduate & postgraduate programmes motor learning, rhythmic & gymnastics for all (GfA), creative movement, music & rhythm activities with applications in different educational settings. She is also responsible for the ChoreoGymnastics Recreation Team of The University of Thessaly which represents the Department in national and international contest/festivals. She has published 5 books, more than 60 articles in refereed journals and about 80 announcements in international congresses. She is practicing educational seminars combining prototype teaching methods concerning body awareness & interaction, collaboration & self/peer confidence through movements.
Selected Publications
1 Pateraki, V., Pollatou, E., Papastergiou, M. & Karadimou, K. (2014). Journal of Education & Training (February 2014). Multimedia Environment and Gender, in Motor-Rhythmic Performance of a Dance Routine with Ball, Accompanied by an Adjusted Music Composition (abstract available in http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/jet/article/view/4403)

Marina Papastergiou, Elisana Pollatou, Ioannis Theofylaktou, Konstantina Karadimou(2013). Examining the potential of web-based multimedia to support complex fine motor skill learning: An empirical study. Education and Information Technologies(available in http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10639-013-9256-x#page-1)
DOI: 10.1007/s10639-013-9256-x

3 Pollatou Elisana, Pantelakis George, Agdiniotis Ilias, Mpenta Nikoleta, Zissi Vasiliki, Karadimou Konstantina (2012). How is the rhythmic ability of pre-school children affected by the implementation of a music-movement program? European Psychomotricity Journal, 5, 1, 49-56 (available in http://www.psychomotor.gr/contents/archive/vol-5/first-issue/82-how-is-the-rhythmic-ability-of-pre-school-children-affected-by-the-implementation-of-a-music-movement-program.html )
4 Elisana Pollatou, Nikoleta Bakali, Yannis Theodorakis and Marios Goudas (2010). Body image in female professional and amateur dancers. Research in Dance Education, vol. 11, no 2, June 2010, 131-137
5 Pollatou E., Karadimou K., Gerodimos V. (2005). Gender differences in musical aptitude, rhythmic ability and motor performance in preschool children. Journal of Early Child Development and Care, vol.175, no 4/May, 361-369 (http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gecd20/175/4#.VCxsfleLDIU) DOI:10.1080/0300443042000270786




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