


Associate Professor

Informatics in Education and Digital Learning Media for Physical Education

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Research Expertise
Utilization of ICT in physical education and health education, digital game-based learning, online learning environments, , informatics education, teachers’ training in ICT
Brief Portrait
Marina Papastergiou graduated in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras (Greece) in 1990, and received a Master’s and a PhD in Informatics Education from the University of Paris VII (France) and the University of Thessaly (Greece) in 1995 and 2002 respectively. From 1996 to 2005 she taught a number of informatics and educational informatics courses at the University of Thessaly and the Technological Educational Institution of Larisa. In 2006 she was elected lecturer, in 2010 assistant professor and in 2015 associate professor at the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science of the University of Thessaly, where she teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate level courses on informatics and its applications in physical education and sport as well as educational informatics courses with an emphasis on physical education and health education. She has worked as a software engineer at the Hellenic Agency for Local Development and Local Government (1991-1994), as a network engineer at the Network Operations Center of the University of Thessaly (1997-2000), and as an informatics teacher in secondary education (2000-2006). She has participated in 5 research projects in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in 2 of them as the scientist in charge. She has served as a reviewer for >3 national and >22 international scientific journals. Marina has published 24 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, 6 papers in peer-reviewed national journals, two book chapters and >35 papers in peer-reviewed international and national conference proceedings. Her work has received more than 3060 citations (Google Scholar, September 2019). She is a member of several scientific and professional societies. Her research interests comprise utilization of ICT in physical education and health education, digital game-based learning, online learning environments, informatics education and teachers’ training in ICT.
Selected Publications
1 Tzanetakos, N., Papastergiou, M., Vernadakis, N., Antoniou, P. (2017). Utilizing physically interactive videogames for the balance training of adolescents with deafness within a physical education course. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 17(2), 614 – 623.
2 Vernadakis, N., Papastergiou, M., Zetou, E., & Antoniou, P. (2015). The impact of an exergame-based intervention on children's fundamental motor skills. Computers and Education, 83, 90-102.
3 Papastergiou, M., Pollatou, E., Theofylaktou, I., & Karadimou, K. (2014). Examining the potential of Web-based multimedia to support complex fine motor skill learning: An empirical study. Education and Information Technologies, 19(4), 817-839.
4 Papastergiou, M., Gerodimos, V., & Antoniou, P. (2011). Multimedia blogging in Physical Education: Effects on student knowledge and ICT self-efficacy. Computers and Education, 57(3), 1998-2010.
5 Papastergiou, M. (2009). Exploring the potential of computer and video games for health and physical education: A literature review. Computers and Education, 53(3), 603-622.



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